Malvern Panalytical Future Days - The Plastics and Polymers Edition


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Our Future Days events combine the latest research with lively discussion and inspiring insights into what the future might hold. With the focus on plastics and polymers, we welcome three experts to share their important work around plastics.

We’ll get into the granular details of measuring microplastics with Florine Aalders, explore how to investigate and address their environmental impact with Andrea Brunner, and zoom out to hear from Esther van den Beuken about why there are good reasons to be optimistic about a circular future for plastic.

With topics including closing the value chains for existing polymers, designing innovative recycling methods, and the public health impact of microplastics – and how particle analysis can help – the Future Days agenda touches on some of the most important and impactful issues in the industry today.

Each expert will give a deep-dive presentation on their topic before joining a lively roundtable discussion and taking questions, ensuring the sessions add extra value and depth to these crucial topics.

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  • Florine Aalders - Application Specialist XRF, Malvern Panalytical
  • Taco van der Maten - Global Petrochemical and Polymer Segment Manager, Malvern Panalytical
  • Esther van den Beuken - Principal Consultant Circular Plastics, TNO
  • Andrea Brunner - Project Manager Environmental Modelling Sensing & Analysis group, TNO
  • Janinka Feenstra - Professional Moderator, Trimm


Who should attend? 

  • Scientists and researchers interested in microplastics.
  • Anyone interested in or working on circularity in the plastics and polymers industry.

What will you learn? 

  • How we’re helping to close the loop in legacy polymer value chains
  • Why plastic could still have a circular future
  • How toxic microplastics really are
  • Which analytical tools to use when studying microplastics
  • Which properties matter and why

…and lots more!