Nanoparticle characterization within the drug delivery industry


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00:00:00 Nanoparticle characterization within the drug delivery industry
00:01:36 Characterization of Nanoparticles within the drug delivery industry
00:01:44 Contents
00:02:11 Contents
00:02:15 Why Consider a Drug Delivery System?
00:02:50 Example of a drug delivery system
00:04:19 Candidate Drug Delivery Materials
00:05:26 Properties of NPs for Nanoscale Drug Delivery
00:06:04 Nanoparticle Size is the Key Parameter
00:07:00 Contents
00:07:14 Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)
00:07:36 Particles are Visualised Directly, in Real Time
00:07:36 NTA: Principle of Measurement
00:07:36 Particle Sizing in Action - Software Analysis
00:07:36 NTA detection limits
00:08:58 Contents
00:09:15 Zetasizer Nano Series
00:10:28 Dynamic Light Scattering
00:12:13 Zeta Potential
00:14:26 Electrophoretic Light Scattering
00:15:48 Size and Concentration Limits*
00:17:22 Contents
00:17:38 Optimising microreactor parameters
00:19:54 NTA assessment of sucrose in poly-DNA stability
00:21:25 NTA assessment of sucrose in poly-DNA stability
00:22:29 NTA assessment of poly-DNA stability for retinal diseases
00:23:44 NTA sizing of NP mycophenolic acid
00:25:28 NTA assessment in production and storage of nano-pro-drug
00:27:52 Contents
00:28:10 Microemulsions
00:28:43 Microemulsions
00:30:23 Stability of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN®)
00:31:07 Stability of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN®)
00:32:02 Stability of Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLN®)
00:33:08 Functionalised Silica Nanoparticles
00:34:09 Functionalised Silica Nanoparticles
00:35:06 Functionalised Silica Nanoparticles
00:36:04 Functionalised Silica Nanoparticles
00:36:50 Conclusions
00:37:24 Further Information
00:37:53 Many thanks for your attentionAny questions?
00:48:59 Contact Information
Various systems have been studied as candidate vehicles for drug delivery, including liposomes, microemulsions, surfactant micelles and functionalized nanoparticles. This webinar will discuss the physical characterization of such samples with reference to various application studies highlightlighting the use of Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) and Zetasizer Nano instrumentation in the drug delivery industry.