Secondary minerals and hydrothermal vents


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00:00:00 August - Secondary Minerals and Hydrothermal Vents Webinar

This webinar focuses on the application study of lava tubes – secondary minerals and hydrothermal vents – with potential applications to planetary geology, and features ASD’s TerraSpec® Halo Mineral Identifier.

In this webinar, you will learn: 

•    Use of the TerraSpec® Halo during the ‘PANGAEA’ field geology course for Astronauts held at Lanzarote in the Canary Islands to simulate a planetary mission – landscape descriptions and observations 

•    Seeing the unseen - ground identification of samples and features of high scientific interest to geologists unseen from satellite-image analysis 

•    Examples of how NIR technology and the ASD TerraSpec® Halo can be used to help prepare for future exploration operations that enable the best way to obtain scientific answers efficiently during real-life operational settings.


Webinar details

Panelist: Dr. Francesco Sauro, Director of the PANGAEA program of the European Space Agency.
Francesco Sauro – known as Cesco holds an M.Sc in Geology from the University of Padua and a PhD in Earth Science from the University of Bologna; he is a member of “La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche” association and has served as its vice-president as of 2013.

Cesco has published about forty papers in peer reviewed scientific magazines and in proceedings of national and international congresses. His main research interests are focused on speleogenetic processes, structural and stratigraphical controls on karst features, 3D cave surveys models and spatial analyses, sulfur isotopes in cave environment, speleothems geochronology, karst and weathering in quartzitic environment, and planetary caves. He is currently a contracted Professor at the University of Bologna.

Since 2012, he has taken part as instructor and consultant to the course CAVES organized by the European Space Agency for training astronauts for operational and human behavior purposes in difficult cave environments. He became Technical Director of the same course, after having trained astronauts from ESA, NASA, JAXA, RUSCOSMOS and CSA in 2015. In 2016, Cesco selected by the European Space Agency as Director of the new training course for the Astronauts related to Field Geology, PANGEA.