Important Information Relating to the Verification of Mastersizer Systems


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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:13 Introductions
00:01:19 Agenda
00:02:43 International Standards
00:04:26 Accuracy
00:05:15 A single result is always precise
00:05:24 Why verify?
00:07:25 Poll
00:08:05 Precision
00:09:57 Reproducibility
00:10:02 Accuracy
00:10:31 An ideal reference material
00:12:15 Poll
00:13:36 Qualification
00:14:43 Instrument preparation
00:15:19 Qualification test
00:16:06 Instrument to Instrument ComparisonMalvern Verification Approach – A dual approach
00:17:47 Instrument to Instrument ComparisonVerification Approach – A dual approach
00:18:53 What if it fails?
00:19:25 Background data and system cleanliness
00:19:30 Poor background - material stuck to the windows
00:19:47 Poor background – contaminated dispersant
00:20:59 Low obscuration limit: signal to noise ratio
00:22:21 What defines the upper obscuration limit?
00:23:01 What defines the upper obscuration limit?
00:23:20 Wet analysis - multiple scattering
00:24:04 High obscuration limit: multiple scattering
00:24:18 Target obscuration ranges: Wet measurements
00:24:32 Target obscuration ranges: Wet measurements
00:24:39 Reference materials in store
00:24:44 QAS
00:25:21 QAS: Batch 3
00:25:47 QAS: Batch 3
00:26:12 Pre-empting a question
00:26:17 Need to test all detectors
00:27:47 So…
00:28:05 Thank you for your Attention.Any Questions?
00:36:15 Contact Information
International guidance documents relating to the use of laser diffraction, such as ISO133220:2009 and USP<429>, highlight the importance of using Certified Reference Materials to test the performance of laser diffraction systems during their lifetime. This is particularly important when laser diffraction is used as part of Quality Control operations or within audited laboratories, as testing using reference materials provides a baseline performance verification which provides assurance that any sample measurement variability relates to the product being tested rather than drift in the instrument performance.. The webinar will be presented by Dr Steve Ward-Smith, who is a member of the ISO TC24/SC4 Particle Characterization committee where he advises on future guidance relating to the use and verification of laser diffraction systems.