Which XRD technology is most suitable for my materials research?


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00:00:00 Which XRD technology is most suitable for my materials research -20181129 0502-1

More research institutions are moving towards a central laboratory model of shared analytical equipment. It encourages optimal usage of the technologies, building of expertise in techniques and ensuring the upkeep of better laboratory practices. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a paramount technique for any material science research project. Therefore, the selection of a correct diffractometer model, suitable for the task, often comes to the top of the priority list, when designing a new laboratory.

Our Application Specialists at Malvern Panalytical often encounter various concerns from our research community friends. For instance, what XRD solution would be most suitable for my type of research? I already have an advanced X-ray diffractometer and I’m thinking about getting another one, but space is an issue! We bought an advanced XRD, but we are concerned about students messing up the optical path, therefore we mostly run standard powder diffraction measurements on our instrument.

During this live webinar, which is organized in the Asia Pacific timezone, our Regional Application Specialists will discuss these concerns and how they can be addressed by our latest range of XRD technologies, the intelligent Empyrean for advanced XRD and the best-in-class Aeris compact XRD.

Learn about how your laboratory can benefit from the following: 

  1. Maximize utilization of your advanced XRD by running your powder, thin film and bulk samples in one automatic batch

  2. No manual intervention to change optical paths – all possible with the intelligent software

  3. Little or no operator training required – now more students can have hands on use of the instrument

  4. Take the load off your advanced XRD by running routine powder analysis on a compact XRD – great if space and sample throughput are of concern

  5. Achieve superior data quality comparable to floor-standing full-power XRD on a low power compact model with 5-10 minutes measurement

Join our free series of webinars: "Better XRD data analysis and interpretation for materials characterization":

- Webinar 1: Introduction to powder X-ray diffraction. More info

- Webinar 2: Studying battery cathode materials using X-ray diffraction More info

- Webinar 3: Expand your powder XRD applications for materials characterization research. More info

- Webinar 4: Knowing the difference between good and bad data: implications for sampling and collecting good quality data. More info

- Webinar 5: Grinding and how particle size affects data accuracy in XRD analysis. More info

- Webinar 6: Improving your phase search mapping by defining your elemental range: introduction to elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence. More info

- Webinar 7: Range of XRD instruments to aid materials characterization research.