From Bauxite to Aluminum - How the Aluminum Industry benefits from mineralogical analysis - Live demo!


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Do you know what bauxite mining, the Bayer process, the Hall-Heroult process and red mud disposal have in common?

They all benefit from rapid, accurate and automatable mineralogical analysis with X-ray diffraction.

During this webinar we will introduce you to state-of-art solutions based on Rietveld refinement and data-mining algorithms. Several mineralogical analyses will be performed using the Aeris Minerals Edition, our compact and fully automatable diffractometer.

You will also learn about the practical links between the mineralogy of your materials and the optimization of your processes. 


Sheida Makvandi - XRD Application Specialist 

Matteo Pernechele - XRD Application Specialist


- Who should attend?

Quality managers, process engineers, laboratory staff or anyone interested in aluminum analysis or XRD phase identification.

- What will you learn?

Basic introduction of X-ray diffraction and Rietveld analysis

Mineralogical composition of bauxite ores, red muds, aluminum oxides, cryolites and aluminum baths

How to perform full mineralogical analysis with Aeris Mineral Edition

Value of mineralogical analysis in the aluminum industry