Foreign Particulate Matter analysis on the Morphologi G3


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00:00:00 Foreign Particulate Matter analysis on the Morphologi® G3
00:01:36 Foreign particulate Matter
00:02:37 Morphologi G3 features allowing FPM detection
00:03:31 Z-stacking
00:04:06 Particle Stitching
00:04:31 Particle Stitching
00:05:02 Dual Threshold
00:05:24 Composite image
00:06:09 Enumeration of FPM in inhaled products.
00:07:01 Enumeration of FPM in inhaled products.
00:08:28 Instrument repeatability
00:08:46 References
Introduction to the measurement of Foreign Particulate Matter on membrane filters using the Morphologi G3.