Analytical technologies for the batteries of today and tomorrow


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Malvern Panalytical shares lessons learned during our engagement with the battery material industry from R&D labs to pilot plants to gigafactories, with a focus on how analyses that were once complex can be made both routine and automated.

Topics to be covered

X-ray diffraction analysis

  • Practical tips for quantification of phases, lattice parameters, crystallite size and microstrain
  • Strategies to make the quantification of Li/Ni site mixing a routine and automated analysis
  • In Operando XRD analysis during cycling with easy temperature control (-10 to 70 C)
  • Automation for scale-up from lab to pilot plant to production

X-ray fluorescence

  • Calibrations for NMC quantification
  • Validation from raw material to precursor solution to product
  • Fusion vs pressed pellets for XRF sample preparation
  • Using XRF to complement ICP to reduce cost and workload

Laser diffraction

  • Particle size is critical along the entire value chain, see how Adaptive Diffraction and Size Sure can help with lab analysis.
  • PSD is critical in production too, and we’ll share the techniques used with our Insitec PSA and how it can help ensure process yields are maximized in real-time.


  • Jeff DeNigris - Business Development, Malvern Panalytical
  • Milan Mitich - Sales Engineer, Malvern Panalytical
  • Scott Speakman - Scientist, Malvern Panalytical
  • Yassamin Ghafouri - Field Application Specialist, Malvern Panalytical
  • Peter Ralbovsky - Northeast Region Sales Manager, NETZSCH Instruments NA, LLC
  • Dylan Lundgren - Application Specialist XRF, Malvern Panalytical
  • Ed Budzyn - Sector Sales Engineer, Malvern Panalytical


Who should attend? 

  • Engineers and scientists involved in battery manufacturing and R&D.
  • Quality control professionals in the battery industry.
  • Process engineers seeking to optimize production processes.
  • Industry professionals interested in advancements in battery production.