What's new in HighScore (Plus)


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HighScore (Plus) version 4.0 from PANalytical was released recently. This webinar will give you a guided tour along the most prominent new features of this powder diffraction analysis package. It will also explain important changes with respect to the previous versions.

This webinar is, in the first place, for people who are already using HighScore. For those of you who have never worked with HighScore before, in the year 2014 we are planning a series of webinars that will give you an introduction to phase analysis.


Webinar details 

Panelist Information:
Thomas Degen studied chemistry in Bonn (Germany), with a thesis on the synthesis and characterization of layered and micro porous, tantalum-rich chalcogenides. He already had a history in writing scientific software when he joined PANalytical in 1998 as a software developer. Nowadays Thomas is active in researching analytical methods and he is a key member of the HighScore team.