New Parsum probe - fit for purpose PAT for granulation particle size monitoring


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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:51 Untitled
00:01:18 Untitled
00:01:56 Spatial Filter VelocimetryChord Length and Velocity Distribution Analysis
00:02:06 PARSUM Probe
00:02:30 Untitled
00:04:49 Fluidized Bed ProcessingWurster Coating
00:05:43 Wurster-Coating Process
00:07:00 Untitled
00:08:06 Untitled
00:08:33 Untitled
00:08:52 Untitled
00:09:46 Untitled
00:11:30 Untitled
00:12:19 Fluidized Bed ProcessingTop Spray Granulation
00:12:50 Untitled
00:14:02 Untitled
00:15:02 Redo Audio
00:15:21 Redo Audio
00:16:06 Comparison of several batches (X50, Q3)
00:16:33 Untitled
00:17:36 High Shear Granulation
00:18:05 High Shear Granulation in pictures
00:18:58 Untitled
00:20:54 High Shear Granulation
00:22:00 Untitled
00:22:38 Untitled
00:23:18 Untitled
00:24:21 Methods used to evaluate granulate
00:24:59 New Parsum IPP80PAT for Pharmaceutical Granulation
00:25:11 Untitled
00:26:04 Integrated system components
00:26:52 Untitled
00:28:15 Untitled
00:28:33 Untitled
00:29:08 Untitled
00:30:35 Questions?
00:32:19 Contact Information

Particle size distribution is one of the key parameters in pharmaceutical powder processing.

Granulation – a common method for improving powder flow properties and reducing segregation is often not easy to develop, scale-up and control.

  • Fluid Bed top spray granulation – monitor granule growth
  • Wurster Coating – measure coating thickness
  • High Shear granulation – track progress and end point

Getting timely information during these unit operations can be challenging. Erratically moving particles, varying temperatures, high moisture and sticky binders make in-situ particle size measurement…interesting!

The new Parsum IPP80 probe to be introduced in this webinar is specifically designed to meet these challenges and help Pharmaceutical Development Scientists and Process Engineers better understand process dynamics and granulate with confidence!