Sieve less, see more! In-line particle sizing improves process control


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00:00:00 Sieve less, see more! In-line particle sizing improves process control
00:00:58 Overview
00:01:32 Understand the relevance..
00:02:05 Heywood & Scarlett
00:03:55 Properties influenced by particle size
00:04:16 Basic principles
00:05:23 Basic principlesEquivalent sphere - volume/mass
00:06:21 Sieves
00:06:51 Sieves
00:07:56 Sieving - a comparison problem
00:08:07 Sieving
00:08:31 These particles will also pass the screen
00:09:56 Spatial Filter VelocimetryChord Length Distribution Analysis
00:09:56 PARSUM Probe
00:10:26 Parsum Probe
00:11:24 Extended Spatial Filter Technique
00:12:01 SFT – Dynamic Behavior of the Measurement
00:13:15 Coincidence of particles
00:14:05 Visualization in fractions
00:14:30 Software
00:14:55 Comparability of measuring methods
00:15:40 Continuous Granulation Process Monitoring
00:16:17 Continuous Granulation Process Monitoring
00:16:46 Monitoring a screening process
00:18:06 Fluidized Bed - Top Spray Granulation
00:18:41 Continuous granulation
00:19:33 High Shear Granulation
00:19:47 High Shear Granulation in pictures
00:21:20 Methods used to evaluate granulate
00:22:05 High Shear Granulation
00:22:51 Screenshot of a typical batch
00:23:24 Reproducibility and Scalability
00:24:20 Tablet dissolution
00:24:31 Summary
00:25:30 Thank you for your attention
00:25:42 Contact us
Sieve analysis is one of the oldest techniques for evaluating granule size and even today is employed widely in quality control across variety of industries including pharmaceutics, despite being gradually replaced by more modern methods such as laser diffraction. Reliance on sieving as the primary method for process control often results in a heavy workload for plant operators, poor precision and significant time lags between sampling and analysis.
This presentation will discuss the use of in-line particle size analyzers as an alternative to manual sampling and as means of improving process understanding and control, and product quality.