Elemental analysis of a wide range of oxides: A new approach


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00:00:00 Elemental analysis of a wide range of oxides: A new approach 
00:00:59 Poll Questions
00:00:59 Elemental analysis of a wide range of oxides: A new approach 
00:01:24 Poll Answers
00:01:24 WROXI: Wide range oxides
00:01:54 Challenge: elemental analysis of diverse materials
00:03:26 Outline
00:03:58 What is WROXI?
00:05:25 Which elements and concentration ranges?
00:07:19 Elemental analysis of minerals by XRF
00:10:14 Fused bead method
00:11:50 Why fuse
00:13:20 Why WROXI?
00:14:56 Calibration strategy in XRF
00:15:55 Calibration strategy in XRF
00:17:20 How to implement WROXI
00:19:03 How to set it up
00:19:08 Measure and Calibrate in the usual way
00:20:13 WROXI – Application notes
00:21:04 WROXI – validation of accuracy
00:22:22 WROXI – accuracy (1 of 2)
00:22:47 WROXI – accuracy (2 of 2)
00:22:59 Comments
00:25:23 XRF technologies
00:27:27 XRF technologies
00:28:33 Examples of ED and WD calibrations
00:29:08 Can pressed powders be used with WROXI
00:31:09 Pressed powder in-house standards procedure
00:32:13 WROXI – key benefits
00:33:49 Thank you for attendingLive Q & A session & On demand Q & A sessionemail to:events@malvernpanalytical.com

When daily operations require elemental analysis of a wide range of inorganic/geological samples, it is often cumbersome, or not possible to set up and maintain a large number of dedicated calibrations to handle such range. In these cases, a widely applicable, but accurate solution is highly desirable. In this webinar, we demonstrate Malvern Panalytical's unique solution WROXI in combination with Epsilon 4, which is capable to handle a wide range of sample types.

Key topics include: