Focus on Pharma: Sample and data quality: How SciLifeLab uses orthogonal techniques to improve drug discovery


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Data quality and reproducibility are two of the main concerns across academic and industrial research. In this webinar, we will cover some applications of dynamic light scattering (DLS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for the analysis of sample quality in the context of drug discovery projects focused on small molecule drugs or antibodies. Based on case studies, scientists from the Drug Discovery and Development platform at Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab), Stockholm will show how early assessment of sample quality by orthogonal techniques can benefit the development of robust binding assays and inform the selection of mAb candidates with favorable properties.


Yasmin Andersson is a senior scientist and project leader at the Drug Discovery and Development platform at SciLifeLab. She received her Ph.D. from Stockholm University and has nearly 20 years of experience of drug development / molecular pharmacology in biotech and academia.

Anders Olsson is the facility manager for the Protein Expression and Characterization facility, which is part of the Drug Discovery and Development platform. He received his Ph.D. from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Before taking on his current role he worked in R+D in large pharma companies.


- Who should attend?

  • Scientists working with academic and industrial drug discovery and developing assays for interaction analysis and stability studies
  • Anyone interested in data quality assurance in biophysical and biochemical analyses

- What will you learn?

  • Learn how the use of orthogonal techniques can help to better understand samples and improve decision making in drug discovery and development projects
  • Understand how data quality and reproducibility improve when using orthogonal techniques
  • Understand how customers are using Zetasizer Ultra and PEAQ ITC to analyze sample quality in small molecule drug discovery and antibody projects
  • Learn why introducing orthogonal techniques early in the assessment of samples produces robust binding assays and informs the selection of mAb candidates with favorable properties