Staying resilient amidst Covid-19 in the mining and minerals sector


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00:00:00 Impact of Covid-19
00:09:26 Trends
00:12:35 Smart tech (digital mine)
00:21:50 Ore to metals: analytical solutions
00:28:23 Case study: Save with mineralogical monitoring
00:33:36 Case study: predictive monitoring
00:36:35 Related content to watch
00:40:45 Q & A

The Covid-19 pandemic has indeed challenged many businesses and the mining and minerals industry is no exception. For instance, how to operate within constraints of a minimal workforce or no human intervention. It is inspiring how companies and people display resilience and resourcefulness by means of finding alternatives. During this webinar, Dr Uwe Konig, global manager for mining, minerals and metals at Malvern Panalytical, shares about the industry outlooks. And importantly smart trends that companies are turning towards to be more efficient and sustainable. This is by way of leveraging on automated laboratory analysis, on-line analysis, high throughput screening and more.

This webinar is dedicated to those in mine site mapping, laboratory, process and quality control as well as research teams. We hope that this webinar will inspire you and your colleagues to consider how you could leverage on intelligent and predictive characterization tools to make better and quicker decisions; decisions that could impact your bottomline. He will discuss the available tools in the context of the mining process, from mine site planning to sorting, recovery and beneficiation.

Interested to learn more? Join our free series of mining, minerals and building materials related webinars.


Dr Uwe König, global mining, minerals and metals sector manager at Malvern Panalytical

Dr Uwe König is based in Malvern Panalytical’s supply center in the Netherlands. Since joining the company in 2005, he has been responsible for helping mining, minerals and metals related research and industrial companies in sharing knowledge through on-site visits, international conferences and local workshops. His specialty is in the development of new analytical solutions for exploration, process monitoring and optimization in the mining and metals industries. These include mobile, laboratory-based and online monitoring solutions.

Dr König studied geology and applied mineralogy at Martin-Luther-University Halle (Germany) and the UFPA (Universidade Federal do Para) Belem (Brazil). In 2006, he reached his PhD in the field of applied mineralogy.


Who should attend:
1. Researcher and development
2. Process control
3. Quality control
4. Laboratory managers
5. Geometallurgists
6. Business owners
7. Investors
8. Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge on the latest and intelligent materials characterization tools

How long is this webinar?
40 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.


Join our free series of mining webinars:
- Webinar 1: Staying resilient amidst Covid-19 in the mining and minerals sector
- Webinar 2: Optimizing the performance of titanium dioxide and other pigments for your paints, pigments, plastics.  More info
- Webinar 3: In the forefront of mining: from bauxite to alumina to aluminium.  More info
- Webinar 4: Cement: Driving the profitability of your plant and performance of your blended cement.  More info
- Webinar 5: Iron mining: From ores to pellets. More info
- Webinar 6: Steel manufacturing: Enabling high throughput analysis with smart automation solutions. More info
- Webinar 7: Nickel: online and at line solutions. More info
- Webinar 8: Coal: solutions for monitoring moisture, particle size, mineralogy and more. More info