XRD phase quantification tutorial: Rietveld refinement


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00:00:00 Key principles to Rietveld
00:14:19 Data from newest detector, 1Der
00:29:12 Rietveld formulas
00:44:56 Tutorial (HighScore Plus)
00:58:41 Tutorial 2
01:07:47 Q & A

In our earlier webinar series - “Better XRD data quality and interpretation”, senior XRD application specialist, Dr Daniel Lee, demonstrated how to perform crystallinity calculations of amorphous samples. He demonstrated how it could be applied across industries including cement, polymers, pharmaceuticals and more. And one of the techniques used was Rietveld refinement.

As you’re aware, Rietveld refinement is a technique described by Hugo Rietveld to characterize crystalline materials. The neutron and X-ray diffraction of powder samples results in a pattern characterised by reflections (peaks in intensity) at certain positions. Rietveld refinement involves the fitting of a calculated profile and background to experimental data. There are several considerations when performing this methodology. And its success also rests on the experience of the user.

And that is why Malvern Panalytical is organising this session to discuss in greater depth about the technique. Back by popular demand, senior XRD application specialist, Dr Daniel Lee will discuss the fundamentals of Rietveld refinement as well as where its applications. He will provide a step by step tutorial using the latest HighScore Plus version 4.9. Dr Lee will demonstrate how calculate a diffraction pattern from a crystal structure, how to simulate a diffraction pattern and how to manually refine a model to match experimental data. He will be using tutorials from our HighScore Plus software as well as data patterns collected from our latest XRD detector, 1Der, which supports sharp monochromatic peaks and tackles fluorescent samples with ease.

If you would like a copy of the new HighScore Plus version 4.9 to practise with alongside our tutorials, you may do so by clicking here.

Interested to learn more? Join our free series of webinars: "Better XRD data analysis and interpretation for materials characterization":
- Webinar 1: Introduction to powder X-ray diffraction. More info
- Webinar 2: Studying battery cathode materials using X-ray diffraction More info
- Webinar 3: Expand your powder XRD applications for materials characterization research More info
- Webinar 4: Good vs bad XRD patterns: how to improve your phase analysis. More info
- Webinar 5: Better XRD data quality: importance of good sample preparation. More info
- Webinar 6: Improving your phase search mapping by defining your elemental range: introduction to elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence. More info
- Webinar 7: Live demo at your desk - latest high performing XRD Benchtop. More info
- Webinar 8: XRD phase quantification tutorial - improve your XRD data analysis.   More info   
- Webinar 9: XRD applications in the minerals industry More info
- Webinar 10: XRD data analysis on HighScore Plus version 4.9 - what's new? More info  
- Webinar 11: Free XRD applications, live demo and data analysis workshop More info
- Webinar 12: XRD phase quantification tutorial - crystallinity calculation More info 
- Webinar 13: New product launch: Empyrean brings new wonder with new 1Der detector, to high end XRD research for challenging samples including hard radiation, thin films, nanomaterials and more. More info 
- Webinar 14: XRD phase quantification tutorial - Rietveld refinement
- Webinar 15: Live demo of latest XRD detector, 1Der. Great for super sharp monochromatic peaks and for tackling fluorescent samples. More info
- Webinar 16: Optimizing the whiteness & brightness of TiO2 pigments by analysing rutile vs anatase phases among other methods. More info
- Webinar 17: Range of XRD instruments to aid materials characterization research. More info


Dr Daniel Lee, Malvern Panalytical's senior application specialist for XRD, based in South Korea

Dr Lee has a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. his expertise is on PVD, thin-film analysis, phorphors, solar cells, lithium ion batteries and thin-film battery research. He has been instrumental in providing application support using X-ray diffraction analysis to various industries including electronics, batteries, pharmaceuticals, building materials and more. These include powder diffraction, Rietveld refinement, small angle X-ray scattering, stress and texture research. Prior to joining Malvern Panalytical in 2013, he worked as a senior researcher with GS Nanotech. He was involved in the process engineering process for thin film lithium ion batteries. He also held prior appointments within the R +amp;amp; D team at Telio Solar Korea for CIGS solar cell development.


Who should attend?
• Researchers involved in materials characterization analysis who want to expand their knowledge in X-ray diffraction
• Relevant industries include (but are not limited to) those researching on battery, powder metallurgy, cement, mining and minerals, environmental monitoring, pharmaceuticals and more
• R and D and manufacturing leaders responsible for appropriate analytics selection
• Scientists engaged in method development for new materials or in supporting root cause analysis investigations in support of product manufacturing

How long is this webinar?
40 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.
