Ask an expert - Automated Image Analysis, best practice guide


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Automated Image Analysis brings significant advantages over manual light microscopy. Most notably, it can turn what has been traditionally viewed as a subjective and qualitative technique, into something that’s objective and quantitative.

However, there are pitfalls to avoid and best practices to develop a robust and meaningful method. Learn here the guidelines that can help improve the value and experience of this technique.

Don’t forget to bring your questions or submit them by emailing or using the #MPexpert hashtag on Twitter. Questions and data can be submitted up to 10 days upfront.

More information

This webinar is part of our ‘Ask an expert’ webinar series. These live webinars are meant for students, researchers, and professors alike who want to sharpen their analytical methods, deepen their knowledge, or find out how to improve their data. We’ll provide extensive materials analysis information and answer your most frequently asked questions. In other words, it’s the ultimate way to improve your materials science research and engineering knowledge.


Robert Taylor Ph.D. - Analytical Imaging Specialist


- Who should attend?

  • Anyone interested in automated image analysis techniques.
  • Students, researchers or professors, interested in improving their materials science research and engineering knowledge with our analytical solutions.
  • All that are knowledgeable in automated image analysis as an analytical technique and want to sharpen their method, and those that may be starting in this field of research and want to know what can help them gain vital knowledge.

- What will you learn?

  • Learn about the pitfalls to avoid
  • Discover best practices to develop a robust and meaningful method.
  • Get guidelines that can help improve the value and experience of Automated Image Analysis.