Ask an Expert: Quantifying rAAV and other viral vector quality attributes with Multi-angle DLS and nanoparticle tracking analysis


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Viral vectors, such as Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viruses (rAAV) Adenoviruses (AV) are increasingly being used in the development of gene therapies and vaccines. The efficient development of viral vectors order to develop effective therapies and vaccines presents a number of challenges that we will address in this webinar.

Viral vectors are typically produced in engineered cell lines in large bioreactors and then isolated from the bulk harvest through cell-lysis and multiple rounds of purification for example, via density gradient centrifugation, ion-exchange chromatography, and tangential flow filtration. Multiple assays are performed during this process to determine key analytical attributes for the determination of yield, efficacy, and safety, as well as to enable process understanding and control. For AAV vectors, these parameters include capsid/particle size and count, often measured using assays such as Elisa, AUC and TEM.

This webinar discusses the use of Multi-angle Dynamic Light Scattering (MADLS) and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis as  label-free 5-minute methods to assess capsid yield and aggregation across the various viral vector processing steps. Real world examples will be elaborated on, including the use of MADLS to reduce the development time of rAAV-vectored gene therapies. Bringing effective, stable vaccines and therapeutics to market in a rapid and cost-effective manner has never been more important, and we look forward to using this time to describe how Malvern Panalytical delivers the information essential to this process in a simple and efficient manner.

Join our free MasterClass series on gene therapy and viral vectors analysis

- Webinar 1: Comprehensive viral vector characterization: The value of rapid label-free biophysical techniques More info

- Webinar 2: Quantifying viral vector quality attributes with MADLS – How to remove analytical roadblocks from my gene therapy or vaccine process development pathway

- Weinar 3: Optimising loading time and stability of Virally Vectored therapies and vaccines using SEC and DSC. More info

Interested to learn about other techniques and their applications deployed in pharmaceuticals? 

These include X-ray diffraction for polymorphic phase analysis, Laser diffraction for particle size analysis and much more? Read our entire summary here


Dr Michael Caves, Malvern Panalytical's Pharma segment manager

Dr Michael Caves has spent 20 years working in various academic and commercial life science settings. He has published scientific papers on biotherapeutic characterisation and formulation, and has applied this knowledge during various roles within the pharmaceutical and diagnostics industries. Having helped build the formulation development service at SGS Life Sciences, Michael joined Malvern Panalytical in 2013 in order to support customers around the world. Michael is currently based in Chennai, India, from where he focuses on helping customers across Asia’s pharmaceutical industry.

Dr Anand Tadas, Regional Application Specialist, Morphology products 

Dr Anand Tads has been associated with Malvern Panalytical for more than 15 years. Anand received his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry (colloidal science) from Mumbai India (TIFR). He is a proud holder of 03 patents on inert metal processing which are licensed. He has also as guided 4 students for their Masters (M.Tech) programmes. Dr Tadas is presently focusing on using the orthogonal characterization of materials particularly in the delivery applications across different sectors. He shares his knowledge with various industry members, spanning from pharmaceuticals, academia research, batteries, paints and coatings and more. 


Who should attend?

  • Scientists working on the development of viral vector gene therapies and viral vaccines.
  • Anyone who wants to expand their analytical characterization knowledge
  • Anyone who wants to grow in their application knowledge about multi-angle DLS

How long is this webinar?

  • 30 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.