Measuring Low-Shear Flow Behavior and Viscoelastic Properties with NETZSCH Rotational Rheometer Kinexus and Measuring High-Shear Flow Behavior with NETZSCH Rosand Capillary Rheometer


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Battery technology is rapidly evolving – and manufacturers’ needs are evolving along with it. To achieve fast commercialization in this market environment, manufacturers must be able to optimize and maintain product quality – and for this, they need accurate data on production processes and materials, particularly those concerning the electrode components.

The analytical capabilities of Malvern Panalytical and NETZSCH Analyzing and Testing can be applied to broad areas of the battery manufacturing process.

Measuring Low-Shear Flow Behavior and Viscoelastic Properties with NETZSCH Rotational Rheometer Kinexus 

One of the strengths of rheological characterization is in mimicking the varied conditions and processes that these materials experience in process. Torsten Remmler discusses the contrasting rheological characteristics needed for these different processes and conditions that these slurries must be used under. He shows how simple it is to prepare the Kinexus Rotational Rheometer for the measurement, how to load the samples and how to evaluate the measurement in the dedicated rSpace rheometer software. The careful and delicate balance of contrasting properties will be considered – and hence material measurement needs – for stability, screen printing performance pre, post and during coating. Torsten Remmler goes on to explain how the consideration of viscoelastic properties avoids elastic flow instabilities during the coating process.

Measuring High-Shear Flow Behavior with NETZSCH Rosand Capillary Rheometer

While the Kinexus Rotational Rheometer is suitable to determine flow properties under low shear to medium shear rate processes, the Rosand Capillary Rheometer is optimized to study the high-shear flow behavior of battery slurries. The higher deformation conditions are equally as important to now understand how, or even if, the material is able to successfully coat, for example on the electrode, via typical, higher shear rate process, such as blade coating, slot die coating, spraying and even screen printing.

The ‘enhancing battery performance with materials quality control’ workshop was a full day event and all presentations are available on demand: