The future of generic drug development


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Join us for a ‘virtual Fireside Chat’ with drug product de-formulation and characterization expert, Professor Arvind Bansal.

This informal and interactive session will provide answers to your most pressing API and excipient characterization challenges. You’ll hear how Professor Bansal’s team at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) is helping drug developers like you overcome these challenges, and help you understand how to get new generic drug products to market faster.

During this live broadcast, we will explore his career journey and ask him to share his insights on bioequivalence and tips for accelerating de-formulation and consequently the development of generic products. Join this session to explore:

  • Topical questions from your industry peers
  • Answers to your questions and help to overcome your challenges
  • Real-world examples that demonstrate best practice
  • Strategies to optimize API characterization and development


  • Professor Arvind Bansal is head of department at the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), S.A.S. Nagar. Prior to joining NIPER, Prof Bansal served in industry as a research scientist for a number of major Indian pharmaceutical companies.
  • Your host, Dr Michael Caves, has spent 20 years working in various academic and commercial life science settings, Michael joined Malvern Panalytical in 2013 to support customers around the world.


Who should attend?

  • Researchers considering the requirements for formulation characterization and optimization.
  • Formulation scientists engaged in developing candidate generic drug product formulations.
  • Analytical scientists engaged in supporting in vitro bioequivalence studies.
  • Laboratory managers looking to understand the techniques required to support de-formulation and in vitro bioequivalence assessments.
  • Research Leaders seeking to understand the link between de-formulation and product-to-market time.

What will you learn?

  • Understand the typical product de-formulation workflow
  • Explore how to apply innovative physicochemical characterization techniques to generic drug development
  • Understand how the analysis of a product’s APIs and excipients can speed up generic development
  • Understand the value that rapid and comprehensive de-formulation adds to the work of generics companies across the world