Whether you’re associated with battery research or battery development, our battery material analysis solutions can help you achieve high performance faster and more easily. From Li-ion batteries to emerging technologies such as Na-ion, Li-sulphur, Zn-air, or graphene-based modifications, they’ll help you optimize your battery materials to achieve the highest quality. Our solutions can also be used for graphene supercapacitors, which can supplement batteries in applications that need high power for a short time. By optimizing factors such as electrode material and slurry with, you can achieve the highest battery performance – and help enable the innovations that are building a more sustainable, more connected world.
Together with our local distributor for particle size and shape characterization, ATA Scientific, visit us at IMLB conference between 27 June to 1 July 2022.
Catch our daily demos at our booth with our latest analytical instruments. Interested to have a one-on-one chat with our specialists? Register now
Mon, 27 June: Structural analysis toolbox for battery materials
- 12.45 - 1.15pm: Leverage on the new intelligent Empyrean III XRD for analyzing battery powders, thin films and battery pouch cells
- 3.15 - 3.30pm: Unveiling our new 1Der detector, with our Empyrean platform, for the complete solution to removing fluorescence at its source
Tue, 28 June: Phase analysis on a compact X-ray diffractometer
- 12.45 - 1.15pm: Unveiling the new and improved Aeris, for powder, thin film analysis and more
Wed, 29 June: Optimising electrode performance and other raw materials
- 10.10 - 10.30am: Analyse wet dispersions and fragile, cohesive dry powders on the world's most popular particle size analyzer, Mastersizer 3000
- 12.45 - 1.15pm: Rapid, non-destructive elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence by Epsilon 4
Thur, 30 June: Checking for battery degradation
- Learn how to set up an in-operando experiment on your battery pouch cell, using the intelligent Empyrean III XRD
Posters and talks by our specialists
- Lab-based setup for LIB operando study by Dr Daniel Lee
- Insitu XRD and PDF investigation of MF3.3H20 (M=Fe, Cr) in controlled atmosphere: assessing new phases with controlled chemistry. Talk and poster by Dr Olga Narygina
- Dr Olga Narygina, Application Specialist for X-ray diffraction at Malvern Panalytical
- Dr Daniel Lee, Application Specialist for X-ray diffraction at Malvern Panalytical
- David Myint, Technical Specialist for Malvern Panalytical's particle size and shape characterization, ATA Scientific
Who should attend?
- Anyone working in battery research or quality control / manufacturing
- Anyone who is keen to learn about the latest technology for battery and raw materials characterization
What will you learn?
- Latest analytical technologies for characterizing battery raw materials and battery packs
- Complementary methods that could be used to test the elemental to structural composition of battery packs to particle size and shape for battery slurries and more