The OMNISEC Virtual User Meeting will offer participants a chance to hear from others in the OMNISEC community, as well as your favorite Malvern Panalytical scientists, as they discuss OMNISEC and the valuable data it provides.
The content will cover multi-detector GPC/SEC data, how the various combinations of detectors work together to provide calculated characterization data, and related features of the OMNISEC hardware and software platforms with a focus on preparing and using the system, interpreting data, and locating helpful resources. Example data will be discussed in the context of data interpretation and method development to optimize results. The presentations will be rounded out by two OMNISEC users who will discuss how they use their instruments to further their work.
- Johnathan Brantley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- Hui Chong, Ph.D. Senior Manager, Research Applications, E&J Gallo Winery
- Ragy Ragheb, Ph.D., Applications Scientist, Malvern Panalytical
- Kyle Williams, Ph.D., Applications Scientist, Malvern Panalytical
Who should attend?
- New users, existing users, or hopeful users of OMNISEC
- GPC/SEC users of legacy Viscotek or other vendors interested in OMNISEC but who want to learn a bit more about the capabilities from real users
What will you learn?
Further develop your software, data interpretation, and method development skills as we walk through practical examples with simple tips to improve your GPC/SEC results