Making greener medicines with photoredox catalysis


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Responsible for an estimated 52 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year, the pharmaceutical industry produces a significant proportion of the world’s greenhouse gases. Consequently, pharmaceutical companies big and small are setting net zero targets.

Many changes are required to achieve these ambitious targets and you need support from your whole supply chain, including your CRO. Malvern Panalytical is committed to achieving net zero by 2040. To help us on the journey, our chemists are implementing green chemistry principles and adopting emerging technologies into their daily workflows.

As part of our webinar series on making greener medicines, Dr Jun Miyatake Ondozabal will be exploring the benefits and impact of photoredox catalysis.

Photoredox catalysis as a green alternative

Throughout the last decade, photocatalysis has received much attention as a novel approach to generate radicals within the field of organic synthesis. This strategy relies on the ability of metal complexes and organic dyes to absorb visible light in single-electron transfer or energy transfer processes. When light is used as a source of energy, many reactions can be run under milder conditions by reducing catalyst loadings and significantly reducing reaction temperatures.

In this session, you will learn about the advantages of photoredox catalysis and what makes it a sustainable technology. Using relevant literature and successful in-house examples to show its application in drug discovery and manufacture.


  • Jun Miyatake Ondozabal - Senior Chemist, Malvern Panalytical
  • Jamie Stokes Ph.D. - Research Leader, Malvern Panalytical


Who should attend? 

  • Academic and industrial synthetic organic chemists interested in new and greener photochemical methods for synthesis

What will you learn? 

  • Understand the principles and the importance of sustainability in the context of synthetic chemistry
  • Introduction to photochemistry/photoredox catalysis 
  • Discover the advantages of photoredox catalysis over conventional methods
  • Find out how CLS chemists are using photoredox catalysis to make pharmaceutical supply chains greener