The study on the comparison of ADEOS-II GLI NDVI and other sensors NDVI by using field experiment data

Environmental monitoring over land surfaces has various complexities caused by highly heterogeneous surface structures with vegetation layer, soil surfaces, and atmospheric disturbance. The vegetation biophysical parameters must be provided with sufficient accuracy to be used as an input of general circulation models, where the satellite remote sensing also plays an important role. Satellite remote sensing is the use of vegetation index (VI) as an intermediate variable to quantify status and amount of vegetation from satellite images. Various VI products currently exist and more VI products are expected to be available simultaneously, the estimation of biophysical parameters through VI has the be compatible by various sensors to ensure continuity of global environmental simulation over generations. Therefore, it is important to investigate the compatibility of VI products for new sensors with existing and old satellite sensors every time a new satellite will be launched. A soon to be launched optical sensor on board Japanese ADEOS-II platform, named GLobal Imager (GLI), is the focus of this study.


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