X'Press 2 2015

Our periodical X'Press: The customer’s voice, contains news items, reports of trips and conferences and customer stories.

'How to Advance?' is the central theme of the second issue of X’Press in 2015. In our interview, Martijn Fransen, product marketing manager X-ray diffraction, shares his opinion about the recent advances in X-ray diffraction (XRD). However, not only X-ray diffraction can take care of advanced materials analyses. In our article about the new Epsilon 1 Pharma, we explain how X-ray fluorescence has gradually been introduced as the alternative method for the advanced quantification of catalyst residues in pharmaceutical materials. X-ray analysis methods certainly don’t stand still and we hope that these and the other articles inspire your interest in the latest advances.

In this issue, among other things:
A productive synergy between X-rays and neutrons
XRD applications now and in the future
Epsilon 1 Pharma – Advanced quantification of catalyst residues in pharmaceutical materials
Reliable automated quality check at Teijin Aramid


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