Around the world in 80 particles – Part 2

When I was first offered my job as a product technical specialist at Malvern Panalytical (was Malvern Instruments at the time), I called my parents to tell them all about it. Because my mum is of the age where girls in the UK were taught domestic science in school rather than biology, chemistry and physics, she has a kind of ‘mental block’ about science. Anyway, she said, “But Sarennah, where are all these particles? What are they?” And that stumped me for a moment. Because I work with laser diffraction, which means I specialize in characterizing particle size, and so I know particles are everywhere, in almost every manufacturing process and product one can buy.

Particles around the world

This year there will be a theme of “Particles around the world” for a series of blog posts from our technical specialists. And it has fallen to me to write the introductory post. So, I thought of Phileas Fogg and I gave myself five minutes to come up with 80 different particles:

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So, as you can see, particles really do surround us, and come in all sizes. Follow this blog series to learn more about particles characterized around the world using Mastersizer platforms.