Gain Value with Direct Insight into Your Production Process

A Quebec Mining Review Article

Increasing competitive pressure and more stringent regulations in the mining industry drive the need for more efficient processes. Real-time monitoring provides fast and accurate control of essential parameters. It saves time, prevents costly waste, and ensures adherence to tight product specifications.

An interesting article regarding online elemental monitoring was published last month in the Quebec Mining Review magazine.

The text describes how real-time monitoring with an online X-ray fluorescence analyzer such as the Epsilon Xflow helps to:

  • Control electrowinning process to reduce energy costs
  • Monitor and control solvent extraction processes
  • Check mine wastewater compositions
The Epsilon Xflow, real-time liquid elemental analyzer.

Control electrowinning process to reduce energy costs

Power consumption is the main cost factor of the electrolysis plant. Optimal control and insights in the process can prevent scenarios where the concentration of the analyte is too low or too high. The processes are then more efficient, and the improved stability increases throughput and margins.

Monitor and control solvent extraction processes

Using online elemental analysis to monitor leach solution enables operators to switch between several streams of injection and extraction wells to ensure an optimal composition for further downstream processing. It allows to control and steer acid consumption resulting in a constant metal in-flux for further solvent extraction (SX) involving minimal energy consumption and processing costs.

Check mine wastewater compositions

Real-time monitoring of hazardous elements in wastewater treatment drastically reduces the cost for reagent each year and avoids high penalties for non-compliance with environmental norms. By moving to online elemental monitoring without human intervention, companies can increase profitability by optimizing costs for labor, reagents and avoid paying penalties.

Added-value of the Epsilon XFlow.

In short, an online analyzer that ensures high accuracy and excellent repeatability such as the Xflow allows to meet tight regulatory requirements and optimize plant throughput.

About Quebec Mining Review Magazine

The Quebec Mining Review magazine is a yearly publication that promotes mineral exploration and development through the province of Quebec, in Canada. The latest mining products and technologies are among the topics covered in this bilingual publication.