GPC/SEC columns from the eStore!

Columns and standards are an essential part of every GPC/SEC analysis. To obtain quality data, scientists depend on the selection of appropriate columns and standards specific to their application. In order to accommodate a diverse range of applications, Malvern Panalytical offers a variety of columns and standards. And to make things even easier, they can be obtained directly from our eStore!
This post will discuss Malvern Panalytical’s offering of columns for GPC/SEC analyses. I’ll highlight some of the best sellers, describe when to use them, and include direct links to the corresponding eStore product page. Stay tuned next month for a similar post on standards!
General purpose columns
The most common set of columns I use in the lab are a pair of general mixed bed columns. Fortunately, these columns are available in almost all column types.
For organic applications, T6000M, C6000M, D6000M, and HFIP6000M columns come packed in THF, chloroform, DMF, and HFIP, respectively. If you’re working in a different mobile phase, such as DCM, then choose the most similar variant (C6000M) and follow the column manual’s guidance for switching mobile phase.
These general mixed bed columns come in aqueous versions as well. A pair of A6000M columns will handle almost all of your water-soluble polymer analyses.
Due to their unique structures, the molecular size range of proteins isn’t as variable as those of natural and synthetic polymers. As a result, there is not a mixed bed protein column. However, the PLS5030 columns work well for many proteins and related samples.
High / Low MW columns
Sometimes your samples are too large or small for the general mixed bed columns. In that case, the addition of a column on either end of the molecular weight range to a mixed bed column can often accommodate your sample. By adding a low or high molecular weight column to a mixed bed column you maintain the broad resolution of the mixed bed column and simply extend the separation range of your column set.
For example, samples with residual monomer or low molecular weight components might benefit from combining a T6000M with a T1000 column. If your samples are very large, the addition of a T7000 column will help.

Guard columns
Guard columns are located first in line and typically contain the same material as the analytical column gel. As a result, they can be especially valuable if you’re analyzing a sample for the first time or you think your sample might stick to your analytical column. If something goes wrong, you can save time and money (and your analytical columns!) if you only have to remove or replace your guard column. The most popular variants are the T-Guard, D-Guard, A-Guard, and PLS5200G columns, which are intended for THF, DMF, general aqueous, and protein analyses, respectively. Sounds like those applications can get tricky!
Final thoughts
In conclusion, if you are seeking more details please see the Selection Guide for Malvern Panalytical’s GPC/SEC columns. Furthermore, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us or email me directly at
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