Reports in the OMNISEC software

Last month I wrote about the optional features in the OMNISEC software and how they offer additional insight and data. This time, I’m writing to make sure you’re able to find that data and actually use it! Fortunately, the reports in the OMNISEC software make it easy to do so. This post will show you how to use the report editor and select available reports, complete with video demonstrations!
But first, what is a report?
The reports in the OMNISEC software display the calculated data and system information associated with an injection. They usually include data tables with molecular parameters like Mw, Mn, IV, and Rh, run parameters such as concentration, injection volume, and acquisition time and date, and system information like flow rate, column set, mobile phase, among others. Chromatograms of raw data and calculated results are also commonly included.
The OMNISEC software includes pre-loaded reports that are appropriate for various applications. As you can see in the report selector window below, there are reports relevant to polymer and protein analyses, as well as different analysis methods. The “summary” reports include chromatograms of raw and calculated results, and tables of data, system, and injection information. The green Malvern hills logo indicates a pre-loaded report (that cannot be edited or deleted).

How to access the report editor
You’ve probably noticed the tabs along the top of the Detail view window under the Analysis section. To the right of the data analysis workspaces (Analysis Data, PDA Data, MALS Data), are the available reports in the OMNISEC software. At the far right of the list is a smaller tab with a blank report page icon. If you click this, step 2 in the image below, the report editor will open with a blank template.

From here, you can follow the steps demonstrated in the video in the next section to add the desired components to your report. It is important to remember to close the report editor once you’re finished. Whether you’ve created a new report or edited an existing one, make sure the pencil icon at the right is a white pencil on a green background.
Creating a custom report
You have two options when creating your own custom reports in the OMNISEC software. You can start with a blank page or a pre-loaded template, save a copy, and then edit as desired. The video below shows you how to add items to a report.
How to find and view your report
Once you’ve gone to the trouble to create the exact report you need, how do you use it? First, under the Reports tab, open the report selector (shown in the first image above). Second, select the report(s) on the left you wish to make accessible. Third, click the white arrow in the middle to move them to the right. Fourth, click OK and check the tabs along the top of the Detail view to find your report. The video below shows the process of using the report selector.
After you’ve added your new report, you can view it in any of the windows in the Analysis Data workspace. Simply click the name of the window and look for your new report in the drop-down menu.
Where to go for help
Aside from the videos above (and our GPC/SEC Expert Advice YouTube playlist!), the OMNISEC software itself is a valuable resource. The Interactive Help option under the Documentation section on the Start tab offers an easily searchable collection of topics. Simply click Interactive Help (1) and type Reports in the search bar (2) to access the relevant content, as shown below. The YouTube playlist is also accessible from the Start tab under the Bookmarks section.

Final thoughts
In conclusion, the reports in the OMNISEC software offer you the ability to optimize your data viewing experience. From custom graphs to data tables, the report designer allows you to focus only on what you need. Furthermore, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us or email me directly at
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