NanoSight NTA3.1 Software Scripting

All Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) measurements are controlled via Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) from software scripts. A number of commonly used scripts are supplied with the instrument and here we outline all the available script commands for NTA3.1 software allowing users to generate further scripts to meet there specific needs.

Script Control 

All NanoSight measurements are controlled by Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) or scripts. A number of frequently used SOPs are provided with the instrument software.

The script control feature in NTA 3.1 allows the user to program a list of hardware or software commands for the software to follow. This can be useful in creating Standard Operating Procedures, or for time-based studies, as the commands can be entered and the instrument left to run automatically. Scripts can be run at the time of writing or created and saved for later use.

NTA Script Panel

The Script Panel can be found on the left hand side of the screen, on opening the NTA 3.1 software. Place the mouse icon over the ‘Script Panel’ text and drag the panel out into the main NTA window area. The panel will expand as shown in Figure 1:

Image of NTA3.1 script panel on initial openng, and in expanded view showing commonly used commands

Figure 1. A: Script Panel in NTA3.1 opening screen; B: Expanded Script Panel

Shortcuts to commonly-used commands are shown to the right of the commands window within the Script Panel. Clicking on the ‘Script Commands’ menu at the top right of the panel will bring up a directory structure, listing all the commands available for your specific NanoSight system configuration, as shown in Figure 2. Click on a command to add it to the commands window within the Script Panel. Some commands will then also require additional parameters or values to be added.

Image of the directory structure for script commands in NTA3.1 software

Figure 2. Script Commands directory structure in NTA3.1 software

Commands can also be entered by typing directly in the window, or by copying and pasting from elsewhere in the commands window or from other text editors.

A script run can be started or aborted with the ‘Run’ and ‘Abort’ buttons, respectively. To save a script or load a previously-saved script back into the command window, click on the File menu at the top left of the Script Panel. The Script Panel can be re-docked back into the main NTA software screen by double clicking on any blank area of the panel.

All data captured using the Script Control will be saved according to the folder and filename currently selected in the SOP tab, as shown in Figure 3.

Image of the SOP tab in NTA3.1 software highlighting the Basefile name and location

Figure 3. SOP tab showing the Base Filename location in NTA3.1 software

Script Commands

The usage and syntax for all NTA 3.1 commands are listed below. The full list provided here will not be available on all NanoSight instruments; the commands that can be used will depend on the specific system configuration. Any additional parameters required should be entered with a space following the command. Required parameters are indicated by yellow highlighted text, with example values shown.


NTA3.1 script functions_Delay commands

Repeats and Loops

NTA3.1 script commands_Repeat and loop commands

Camera and Video

NTA3.1 script commands_Camera and Video commands

Processing and Export

NTA3.1 script commands_Processing and Export commands

Analysis Settings

NTA3.1 script commands_Analysis Settings commands

Parameter Settings

NTA3.1 script commands_Parameter Settings commands


NTA3.1 script commands_General commands

Stage Control (NS500 only)

NTA3.1 script commands_Stage Control commands

Focus Control (NS300 and NS500 only)

NTA3.1 script commands_Focus Control commands

Sample and Pump Commands (NS500 only)

NTA3.1 script commands_Sample and Pump commands

Temperature (Instruments with temperature-controlled laser units only)

NTA3.1 script commands_Temperature commands

Syringe Pump

NTA3.1 script commands_Syringe Pump commands

Zeta (NS500 zeta instruments only)

NTA3.1 script commands_Zeta measurement commands

Filter Wheel

NTA3.1 script commands_Filter Wheel commands


NTA3.1 script commands_Autoloader commands

Script Example 


Scripted process to hold the loaded sample temperature at 37oC, and run an NTA measurement of 60 seconds capture duration every 5 minutes for half an hour, starting immediately after the sample temperature is initially set. All videos should be captured at camera level 10 and analyzed at detection threshold 5.

MESSAGE Ensure sample is loaded into the chamber and instrument is set at the measurement position ready for analysis














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