Controlled substances analysis made easy

With the aid of the PANalytical CanDI-X, the world's first search-match database for controlled substances, it is possible to positively identify controlled substances, their precursors and additives non-destructively, within minutes. 

CanDI-X, short for controlled-substance and drug identification by X-ray, is a dedicated high-quality and unique database for use with HighScore Plus versions 3.0e onwards.

  • More than 500 high-quality stick patterns 
  • Each entry is traceable to manufacturer source and confirmed by an additional technique
  • Produced from data provided by the Drug Analysis Services, Health-Canada

CanDI-X includes: hard street drugs and related precursors, clandestine excipients and reagents and abused steroids.

Download application note “Easy and fast analysis of complex street drugs”.

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