HighScore software update v5.3

Software download for HighScore software v5.3

General Features

  • Complete integration of all tasks within one user interface
  • Powerful search-match algorithm
  • Reference databases
  • User-owned reference data is kept separate from the commercial databases and can be stored in as many separate user databases as you like. All databases (commercial or user-owned) can contain reference data, structure data and reference scans.
  • Document-based structure with history and multiple datasets
  • Automating your analyses
  • Making your work easy using automatic reports
  • State-of-the-art profile fit with 3 model functions and options
  • Extensive help system and tutorials for self-study
  • Data exchange by XRDML, text and binary scan file formats of all major suppliers

HighScore 5.3 release: new features

HighScore version 5.3 with/without the Plus option is a new minor version release. Here are the new and updated capabilities compared to HighScore 5.2:

  • A new sample displacement model/equation is added (Journal of Applied Crystallography: https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576724006460) for simulation/fitting as well as for correction. It can correct much bigger displacements than the previous equation.
  • Each dataset includes a new property “Observed Specimen Displacement” under “General Scan Info” that is used by the Search/Match to move the scan and the peaks into the correct position. 
  • New option to create table-alike MS Word or PDF reports of all program settings.
  • Live PIP (Picture In Picture) Graphics in the Zoom Overview additional graphics pane.
  • More non-ambient data can be imported from XRDML (e.g., charge, voltage and current). Average values as well as min and max values can now be imported and displayed.
  • All non-ambient data is also available in XRDML reports as tables and graphics.
  • Phase Guard (false positive filtering) is a dynamic threshold based on the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of the data. It automatically adapts to different instruments and measurement settings and to different phase scattering powers. It can be applied alone or combined with a minimum weight percentage threshold.
  • The scripting feature is also enabled for HighScore, not just for the Plus option.
  • New scripting IDE options: code folding, search script content, font size slider.
  • Structure Factor Derivation (SFD) method replaces the direct derivation (DD) method.
  • Improved color management with a pre-defined and open list of colors, including import/export of HTML colors, the “reverse order” option, and switching colors on/off.
  • The color list can be applied to scans, phases and patterns, using an offset. The same color management can be used to create/edit custom color palettes for the isolines plot and 3D plots:
  • More multi-dataset display options including layer thickness in percentage or in micrometer in all scans graphics as well as in the scans vs phases matrix.
  • Increased authorization options via OmniAccess to allow turning HighScore (Plus) into an Operator UI / Viewer, where smart batches can be executed only. 

HighScore software update v5.3

版本号: 5.30
发售日期: 01 December 2024
  • Chinese
  • English
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Russian



Recommended system configuration

  • Designed and running Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11 (64 bit) Current Branch for Business operating systems.
  • A PC configuration matching the (minimum) hardware requirements for the desired Windows operation system will be sufficient.
  • Support of 21 CFR Part 11 with HighScore is possible with the newly release OmniTrust and OmniAccess solutions.
  • For existing Audit Trail customers, we have made an End Of Life version of HighScore 4.9. HighScore 5.0 onwards is not compatible with the Audit Trail solution.

Terms relating to software downloads

Use of software: 

If you download software from this site, use of the software is subject to the license terms in the Software Licence Agreement. Downloading software assumes you understand and agree to the terms of the software licensing agreement.


The materials and services provided at this site are provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind. Malvern Panalytical does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the materials or services at this site. Malvern Panalytical may make changes to the materials and services at this site at any time without notice. Malvern Panalytical makes no commitment to update the materials and services at this site. This site may refer to products, programs or services that are not available in your country. Consult your local Malvern Panalytical representative (select "About us-Contact us") for more information.

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In no event will Malvern Panalytical or its suppliers, or other 3rd parties mentioned at this site be liable for any damages whatsoever that may result from use of the products (including software downloads) and services mentioned at this site. If your use of the materials (including software downloads), information or services from this site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, Malvern Panalytical bears no responsibility