Malvern Panalytical Future Days Event - The Metals Edition


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Our Future Days events combine the latest academic research with lively discussion and inspiring insights into what the future might hold. As the metals industry takes on the double challenge of supporting the energy transition while making its own shift toward sustainability, we welcome three experts to share their insights into how we can achieve both goals.

Dr. Frank Feret will share his expertise on the value in characterization of aluminium industry materials by XRF and XRD. Dr. Uwe König will share the latest new tools for controlling process parameters during the direct reduction of iron (DRI), and a guest speaker will take a broader look at automation, digitalization, and real time monitoring in the metals industry – and why it matters.

Each expert will give a deep-dive presentation on their topic before joining a lively roundtable discussion and taking questions, ensuring the sessions add extra value and depth to these crucial topics.

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  • Frank Feret - Chairman, ICSOBA – The aluminium industry forum
  • Uwe Koenig - Global Mining Segment Manager, Malvern Panalytical
  • Huub Smit - Director Digital Automation, Malvern Panalytical
  • Matteo Pernechele - Application Specialist XRD, Malvern Panalytical
  • Janinka Feenstra - Professional Moderator, Trimm


Who should attend? 

Researchers, professors, or professionals seeking knowledge to increase recovery rates, efficiency, sustainability in metals manufacturing industry.

What will you learn? 

  • Learn how to utilize analytical monitoring to save energy in aluminium industry.
  • Discover the latest quality control tool for DRI.
  • Understand why automation and real-time monitoring matters in metals industry