XRF: Theory, Techniques and Capabilities


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Presented by: Timothy Glose - Associate Product Manager XRF

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a powerful technique for the analysis of elemental compositions of solid, powdered, and liquid materials. It can deliver high precision, quantitative results for both process control and completely unknown samples using purpose built calibrations. High quality results can also be obtained using powerful standardless analysis software. This webinar covers the basics of the technique, extent of its capabilities, instrument types, and touches on the important topic of sample preparation. The webinar is geared toward those with little or no experience with XRF wishing to learn more.


Panelist: Timothy Glose - Associate Product Manager XRF 

Tim Glose is the Associate Product Manager for the X-ray Fluorescence product line in the Americas and has been with Malvern Panalytical and Philips Analytical for 18 years. Before coming to Malvern Panalytical, he worked for over a decade as a chemist and, later, quality manager in the aerospace industry where he first became interested in analytical x-ray methods. Tim studied Chemistry at Arizona State University, graduating with honors and membership in the National Chemistry Honor Society, Phi Lambda Upsilon. Tim has served for 17 years with ASTM Committee E01 on Analytical Chemistry of Metals, Ores, and Related Materials and 15 years with ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants.