Services that work for you: Unleash the full potential of your Malvern Panalytical solution


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We often go to the doctor only when something has already gone wrong. Wouldn’t it be better to go for regular check-ups, or ideally, to have continuous health monitoring? And wouldn’t it make sense to always learn from latest research how to enhance our routines and well-being? The same goes for your analytical instruments! To ensure that your analytical instruments are in perfect condition every day, that you can always run analyses you can trust, and to make sure you learn from the latest application expertise insights, there’s our support services. A tailored service experience that ensures success throughout your analytical journey is a real help in a demanding work environment.

Join our webinar to learn more about our services and how they improve your efficiency, reduce costs and risks, and optimize performance.

Explore how to:

  • Ease your routine operations with our digital service support tools, putting service information, software, and expert insights at your fingertips.
  • Maximize instrument reliability and uptime with the proactive, preventative and corrective maintenance support services of our new service agreements and digital monitoring support service Smart Manager.
  • Advance your analysis with our training, application, and consultancy services, supporting you with actionable data and expert application insights.


  • Tamara Bertino - Product Manager – Customer Services and Support, Malvern Panalytical
  • Markos Trikeriotis - Digital Product Owner – Smart Manager, Malvern Panalytical
  • Ulf Nobbmann - Applications Manager, Malvern Panalytical
  • Mathias Antener - Customer Service Business Development Director, Malvern Panalytical


Who should attend? 

All Malvern Panalytical instrument owners and users who are supported directly through Malvern Panalytical and want to:

  • Get the most out of their analytical instrument solution
  • Learn best practices for good instrument care
  • Discover new, proven and included services
  • Optimize the use of their Malvern Panalytical instrument and advance their application/analysis

What will you learn? 

  • Understand how service will keep your instrument running at peak performance and maximizes instrument uptime, ensures high-quality results and eases routine operations
  • How expert insights can help you gain actionable insights
  • Discover the services that fit your needs and context
  • How to use our Service Solution Configurator to analyze your needs and risks and translate these easily and transparently into a tailored service bundle.
  • Support services we'll explore include Smart Manager, Training and application consultancy, different technical support services like - proactive, preventive and corrective maintenance, on-site and remote support - bundled in service agreements, portal support services, and more